Become a member
The core of ecorisQ is made of its members. By joining ecorisQ you will expand your professional network and profit from transparent tools in the field of natural hazard risks. Being an ecorisQ member demonstrates that you are willing to increase the transparancy and reproducibility of natural hazard analyses and that you promote sustainable protection against natural hazards.
Second GA - Innsbruck April 2015
On 22 and 23 April 2015, ecorisQ organised the second general assembly in Innsbruck, Austria. ecorisQ members were invited to profit from interesting technical presentations in the field of natural hazard risk management, to meet other members and to jointly discuss the future of ecorisQ. The PDFs of the techncial presentations and the minutes of the GA can be downloaded below.
Training on rockfall modelling in Mont-Pélérin (CH), Nov. 2014

On 25 and 26 November 2014, ecorisQ organised a training on rockfall hazard assessement using the rockfall trajectory simulation model Rockyfor3D. The training was held in the region around Lausanne (Switzerland) and included a half day field visit (Mont-Pélérin). The spoken language was French and the training was given by Luuk Dorren. The cost of this training was 425 Euro incl. lunch for both days.
First General Assembly of ecorisQ in Geneva, dec. 2013
To officially launch the International ecorisQ association, the General Assembly was held on 6 December 2013 in the International Environment House in Geneva, Switzerland. In total, 52 representants from Austria, France, Italy, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US participated at this event. The minutes, as well as the presentations are available for download below.
On uncertainty and probability in predicting natural hazard risks using models |
Keith Beven (University of Lancaster, UK) |
SOSlope – the basis for a new ecorisQ tool for shallow landslide modelling |
Massimiliano Schwarz (Bern Univ. of Applied Sciences, CH) |
Zemokost – A model for estimating flood events in alpine catchments using design storm values |
Karl Kleemayr (BFW, AT) |
Luuk Dorren (Fed. Office for the Env. FOEN, CH) |
A reflection on the assessment of geological mass movement hazards in the Swiss daily practice |
Bernard Loup (FOEN, CH) |
Landslide hazards, bioengineering and risk management: the New Zealand experience |
Chris Phillips (Landcare Research, NZ) |
An application of Rockyfor3D in the daily practice in Valais, Switzerland |
Guillaume Favre-Bulle (Géoval, CH) |
Frédéric Berger (IRSTEA, FR) |
Training on rockfall modelling in the Samedan/Poschiavo Valley, Switzerland
On the 26th and 27th of March 2013 we organised a training course on rockfall modelling in the Engadin in the Canton of Grisons, Switzerland.
The course language was German. This two-day course dealt with recording of both geo and forest data in the field, automatic tree extraction from laser scanning data, model input data preparation with opensource GIS packages (QGIS and SAGA GIS), hands-on exercise with the model Rockyfor3D and analysis of the output data.