Become a member

The core of ecorisQ is made of its members. By joining ecorisQ you will expand your professional network and profit from transparent tools in the field of natural hazard risks. Being an ecorisQ member demonstrates that you are willing to increase the transparancy and reproducibility of natural hazard analyses and that you promote sustainable protection against natural hazards.  

Benefits of membership

Who can become a member?

Membership fee

How to apply?

RockforNET uses a statistical approach and provides indicative estimates. It should be used as an expert support tool. It is developed by Frédéric Berger (INRAE, FR) and Luuk Dorren (HAFL-BFH, CH / Federal office for the environment FOEN, CH) with support from Monika Frehner (ETH, CH), Markus Huber (WSL) and Kaspar Zürcher (HAFL-BFH, CH). RockforNET is integrated in the tool TORRID which has been developed within the Interreg Alpine Space Project 462 : ROCKtheALPSWe assume no liability, whatsoever, for any actions taken based on the provided information.