Natural Hazard and Risk Assessment Tools
ecorisQ supports the development of tools that allow experts to assess the hazard and risk posed by rockfall, landslides, avalanches and floods, taking into account the protective effect of forests and other technical measures in a transparent manner. These tools are subsequently made available for ecorisQ members. One example is Rockyfor3D, a 3D rockfall simulation model that produces trajectories, runout zones and kinematics of individual falling rocks. EcorisQ promotes a basic working method that is always based on field expertise and modelling techniques. Along with the development of such tools, members from the ecorisQ community participate in the definition of internationally harmonised methodologies and standards.
High resolution forest mapping
Another development area of ecorisQ is the efficient mapping of individual trees and accompanying characterstics on the basis of high resolution Digital Surface Models (e.g., derived from LiDAR/laserscanning data). Again the aim is to develop tools that help our members in their daily work. An example is our tool called FINT.
Protection Forest Assessment
Together with the research institutes in the ecorisQ network, rapid tools for estimating the protective effect of forests against avalanches, landslides and rockfall are being developed. One example is RockforNET.
Pilot Projects in Protection Forest Management
ecorisQ initiates and promotes silvicultural pilot projects to improve the protective function of forests based on latest experiental and scientific knowledge. One definition of a protection forest is: a forest whose value lies in the direct protection of infrastructure or residential areas threatened by natural hazards rather than in its timber - it regulates stream flow, has a barrier effect against rockfall and it can prevent snow avalanches, shallow landslides and erosion.
Knowledge Transfer
ecorisQ promotes international exchange of knowledge and experiences by organising meetings, training days, excursions and making publications related to rockfall, landslides, avalanches and protection forests available. Knowledge transfer is also being done in pilot projects set up by ecorisQ members. These include research and development projects.