Become a member

The core of ecorisQ is made of its members. By joining ecorisQ you will expand your professional network and profit from transparent tools in the field of natural hazard risks. Being an ecorisQ member demonstrates that you are willing to increase the transparancy and reproducibility of natural hazard analyses and that you promote sustainable protection against natural hazards.  

Benefits of membership

Who can become a member?

Membership fee

How to apply?

On the 20th and 21st of June 2018, ecorisQ organised the fifth general assembly in Norway. Members were invited to participate at a technical symposium on shallow landslides and rockfall hazard assessment in Oslo on the first day. After the meeting, we organised, in collaboration with the NGI, an interesting trip and excursion to the Telemark region. The detailed program can be downloaded here.

On Friday the 22nd of June 2018, after the general assembly, we organised a 1-day training course on SOSlope (click here for the program) in Oslo.